Wallart for your Work Spaces

Overview of Wall Art for the Workplace:

Wall art in the workplace is more than just decoration – it can contribute to employees' overall atmosphere, creativity, and productivity. From inspirational quotes to abstract paintings, the type of wall art chosen for an office environment can have a significant impact on employee morale and motivation. In this article, we will explore what exactly constitutes wall art for the workplace and how to choose pieces that align with the company culture and values.

The psychology behind office wall art is fascinating. Let’s delve into it:

Positive Emotions and Reduced Stress:

Exposure to eye-catching artwork can create positive emotions and reduce stress levels in the workplace.

Well-designed graphics foster a sense of well-being and contentment among employees, ultimately boosting morale and productivity.

Creativity and Innovation:

Wall graphics and murals ignite creativity by providing visual inspiration.

Abstract designs, vibrant colors, and thought-provoking imagery encourage employees to think outside the box.

Company Identity and Culture:

The artwork reflects a company’s culture and brand identity.

Custom-designed graphics can showcase milestones, mission statements, and core values, creating a cohesive environment.

In summary, well-chosen wall art enhances mood, sparks creativity, and reinforces company values.

The Impact of Office Environment:

As we navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, it becomes increasingly clear that the office environment transcends serving merely as a backdrop for daily tasks; it is a crucial determinant of employee well-being and productivity. The significance of workplace aesthetics—particularly through wall art—lies in its ability to shape the overall atmosphere and, consequently, influence the mindset of those within the space.

A well-designed office can boost employees' well-being, reduce stress, improve mood, and increase job satisfaction. Wall art creates a harmonious environment, uplifting spirits and reducing monotony. It also boosts productivity by inspiring creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Art fosters a sense of identity and purpose, making employees feel more connected to their workspace. A well-curated office with thoughtfully selected wall art creates a positive feedback loop, enhancing well-being and productivity.


Benefits of Incorporating Wall Art in the Workplace:

Integrating wall art into the workplace offers numerous benefits beyond aesthetics. Research suggests that tastefully selected artwork can boost employee well-being, reduce stress, and increase productivity. By creating a visually stimulating environment, wall art promotes a sense of pride in the workplace and can even foster creativity and innovation among team members. In addition, it can serve as a conversation starter and help strengthen a sense of community and collaboration within the organization.

How to Choose Wall Art for the Workplace:

This article offers expert tips on selecting the perfect wall art for your workplace, focusing on factors like design theme, size, and placement. It provides expert advice on how to choose art that reflects your company's values and enhances the work environment.

Considerations when choosing wall art for your workplace:

  1. Theme and Message: Select art pieces that align with your company's values and goals to inspire and motivate employees.
  2. Size and Placement: Choose artwork that fits the space appropriately and enhances the overall aesthetics of the workplace.
  3. Color Scheme: Ensure the colors of the art complement the existing decor and create a harmonious ambiance.
  4. Style and Medium: Pick artwork that reflects the company's identity and resonates with the employees' tastes and preferences.
  5. Maintenance and Durability: Opt for pieces that are easy to clean and withstand the demands of a busy workplace environment.

By considering these factors, you can choose wall art that not only enhances your workplace but also boosts employee morale and productivity.


Tips for selecting the right wall art for your office:

  1. Research Trends: Stay updated on current art trends to make a contemporary choice that resonates with your office environment.
  2. Seek Employee Input: Please include your employees in decision-making to ensure their preferences are considered, fostering a sense of ownership and connection to the artwork.
  3. Budget Wisely: Set a reasonable budget for art pieces, balancing cost with quality to invest in durable pieces that will last.
  4. Customization: Consider commissioning custom art that reflects your company's unique identity and values for a truly personalized touch.
  5. Rotate and Refresh: Keep the space dynamic by periodically rotating and refreshing the artwork to maintain employee interest and engagement.

Choosing the right wall art for the workplace is crucial, as it can inspire and motivate employees, reflect the company's branding, and promote creativity and innovation. Additionally, art that creates a calming atmosphere can help employees feel more at ease and productive. Incorporating visual aids or graphics can enhance functionality and organization in the workplace. Encouraging collaboration and communication through artwork can foster employee teamwork while personalizing the space can boost morale and job satisfaction. Finally, selecting high-quality and durable artwork ensures that it will last for years to come.

Here are different types of wall art for the workplace, categorized based on the mood they can create.

Calm and Peaceful:

Abstract art: Abstract art can evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility. The lack of specific objects allows the viewer to create their own interpretations, promoting relaxation and focus.

Nature scenes: Pictures of nature scenes like landscapes, oceans, or forests can bring a sense of peace and serenity to the workplace. Studies have shown that viewing nature can reduce stress and improve cognitive function.

Botanical prints: Botanical prints featuring plants and flowers can add a touch of nature indoors and create a calming and refreshing atmosphere.

Creative and Inspiring:

Bold colors: Artwork with bold and vibrant colors can add energy and inspire creativity in the workplace.

Photography: Photography can be a great way to showcase innovation, inspiration, and the company culture. Consider black and white photography for a more timeless and sophisticated look.

Industry-specific art: Artwork that reflects your industry can spark conversation, inspire employees, and showcase the company's expertise. For example, a tech company might display images of circuit boards or robots.

Professional and Sophisticated:

Geometric shapes: Geometric shapes can create a sense of order and professionalism in the workplace. They can also add a touch of modern flair to the space.

Black and white prints: Black and white prints are a classic and sophisticated choice for wall art. They can also work well with a variety of color schemes.

Minimalist pieces: Minimalist art is characterized by clean lines, simple shapes, and a neutral color palette. It can create a sense of calm and focus in the workplace.


Here are some prime spots to hang wall art in your workplace, considering factors like functionality and creating a positive impact:

High-Traffic Areas:

Reception area: Set a welcoming tone with inspiring or nature-themed pieces.

Hallways and corridors: Break up long walls with captivating photography or artwork series.

Break rooms and common areas: Foster a relaxed vibe with calming landscapes or conversation-starting abstract art.

Employee Workspaces:

Above desks or workstations: Motivate and inspire employees with industry-specific art, bold colors, or personal touches (if allowed).

Meeting rooms: Consider the meeting type - use calming scenes for brainstorming sessions, or stimulating pieces for presentations.

Strategic Locations:

Awkward corners: Fill empty corners with large statement pieces or a gallery wall arrangement.

Bare walls behind furniture: Balance the space with artwork sized appropriately to furniture. Consider the art's height - aim for the center to be around 57 inches from the floor (average eye level).

Waiting areas: Ease wait times with calming or visually interesting art.

Remember, the best place for wall art depends on your specific workplace layout and goals. Experiment with different placements and see what resonates best with your employees.


There are many places to find wall art for the workplace, depending on your budget, style preference, and desire for something unique. Here's a breakdown of some popular options:

Online Retailers: Large online retailers: They offer a vast selection of art prints, posters, and canvas art in various styles and price ranges

Art galleries: Local art galleries often showcase works from established and emerging artists. You can find a wider range of original paintings, sculptures, and mixed-media pieces, but expect higher prices.

Framing shops: Many framing shops also sell pre-framed artwork, offering a curated selection of prints and posters.

Home decor stores: These stores often have a dedicated section for wall art, including prints, canvas pieces, and even tapestries.

If you are looking for wall art to decorate your workplace, asianmonk.com is a great place to start. They have a vast selection of art prints and canvas art in various styles and price ranges, including abstract art, nature scenes, botanical prints, bold colors, creative and inspiring art prints, geometric shapes, black and white art prints, and gallery walls. You can browse their collection by category to find pieces that will create the desired atmosphere in your office. Additionally, reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of the artwork and the overall customer experience, helping you make an informed decision on which pieces to choose for your workspace. With such a diverse range of options, you are sure to find the perfect wall art to add a touch of creativity and inspiration to your workplace.

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