Powered By Design

Welcome to Asianmonk, the destination for premium wallart and luxury framing.

Run by creatives, Asianmonk champions and financially empowers underrepresented creative talent

Meet Varun

Our founder, varun, created Asianmonk out of frustration when looking for art to buy for his Appartment. As a Interior design enthusiast himself, he quickly uncovered a lack of representation and support for the breadth of early-career creative talent out there. When he asked around, lots of people felt the same. So he decided to do something about it

“With a passion to "Provide you the highest quality sustainable framed Art at the best price"

Meet Shantanu Jha

I'm a passionate and innovative graphic designer with a keen eye for detail and a flair for creative solutions. With over a 5 years of experience in the industry, I've honed my skills in designing visually compelling and effective graphics.

I'm proficient in industry-standard design software and stay up-to-date with design trends.

Meet Ankesh

I'm Ankesh Patel, an Automobile Designer turned Graphic Designer. I have been in the Graphic Design Industry for 7 years now. I have worked on a variety of projects, from logo design to poster design to graphics for T shirts etc. Working in different fields of the design industry has given me an amazing experience and a slightly unique way of looking at things as a designer.

Sukhda Singha

I'm Sukhda Singha, an HR professional turned Arts Therapist and Marketing Exceutive. I have been in the HR profession for 7 years and as Art Therapist for a year. Working in different fields has given me extensive knowledge and experience of building connections with people and it has broadened my vision of viewing art.